This is the new site for the old IHRO site while the old site is still on the Web but you can´t log in anymore and will be removed from the web in near future. With this new site our goal is to keep all the IHRO riders-sponsors informed about the IHRO issues and races.
If any questions and/or remarks please feel free to contact me.
How we ended up with the new IHRO? Well after the cremation from our dear beloved Graham in June 2016 nobody knew what would happen with the IHRO, will it slowly past away or. Then a group of old IHRO riders/promotors sat together and came up with the great challenge to continue where Graham has regretfully stepped out.
While it would be, a great loss if the IHRO will disappear from the globe and we will not have the opportunity any more to race on the nice race circuits in Europe. Therefore, Guust, Eddy and Jos set up the new IHRO in middle of 2016 with the support of all the old IHRO members. We also were fully supported from Alan Cathcart and of course our Hector. In 2016, we as CMRCH/CRMB planned the last IHRO race at Hockenheim. There we honored Graham at the IHRO social and drank a beer(cold) in his memory and promised ourselves to continue with the IHRO as long as feasible. The new organization managed to get for the first year in the new set up a nice race calendar ready for 2017. We as new organization team tried to do our best to organize/arrange everything and seen the feedback we got, we are on the right track. There are still some points for improvement and we are open for new ideas in order to keep the IHRO spirit alive.
Regarding the organization
For the coming season 2020 we are working hard to get a nice race calendar again and we already have fixed some nice race tracks. We try to get final calendar confirmed by January 2020. In case there are new developments we will all the riders by mail.
For the rest I wish you all a nice Christmas holiday and have a healthy/prosperous start of 2020.